About Montana Beaver Working Group
Connecting and providing resources to people interested in the role of beavers in watershed and riparian health
In 2019, the National Wildlife Federation assumed a coordination role for the Montana Beaver Working Group—an informal coalition of about two dozen diverse professionals ranging from restoration experts to wetlands ecologists and wildlife biologists led by Amy Chadwick and Steve Carpenedo. Since then NWF has convened several strategy workshops, hosted webinars and visiting speakers, and produced a semi-regular newsletter to highlight new resources, notable stories, and opportunities for engagement.
The Beaver Working Group is open to all, and we welcome materials for the newsletter.
We’ve posted here primary reports emerging from our convenings, as well as the archived copies of newsletters since the beginning of 2020.
2017 Workshop Summary
2020 Strategy Meeting Report and Action Plan
2021 Progress Report
2021 Montana Beaver Action Plan
2023 Montana Beaver Action Plan
Montana Beaver Working Group newsletter archives:
- November/December 2024
Planning for Beavers, Planning for Water: Lessons from Box Elder Creek; Comparing the Sources of Sediment Retained by Beaver Dams and Beaver Dam Analogs; Assessment of Environmental DNA for Detecting and Monitoring Translocated North American Beaver; Alberta Beaver Beneficial Management Practices - Interactive Decision Tree; Best Management Practices for Tree and Crop Protection: A Guide for Using Fencing to Coexist with Beavers
- September/October 2024
A Conversation with Tracy Wendt; Step by Step with the Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Program; Summer 2024 NAWM Webinar Recap (Beaver Restoration and Management on Tribal Land AND Beaver Restoration by Federal Agencies); Re-establishing Historic Ecosystem Links Through Targeted Species Reintroduction: Beaver-mediated Wetlands Support Increased Bat Activity; Artificial Beaver Dams Help Ranchers Restore Streams and Protect Wildlife
- July/August 2024
Beavers on the Move; Welcome to Chris Austin, Region 4 Beaver Conflict Resolution Fellow; Reviving a Keystone Species: Results from a Bi-National Beaver Survey; Beaver Balancing Act (plus Beaver Management & Conservation Special Issue with The Wildlife Society); Beavers "Do It Better": King County's Approach to Habitat Restoration
- May/June 2024
Bridging the State with Our Stories; Welcome to Kyle Wonders, Region 3 Beaver Conflict Resolution Fellow; MWCC Fall Watershed Tour Save the Date; Ben Goldfarb on Arctic Beavers; Decision to Implement Beaver Dam Notching in Red Rock Creek; Navigating the Permitting and Regulatory Environment for Beaver-Related Projects: A Panel Discussion; Beavers Drive the Water Cycle; Beavers Played Important Part in the Lives of Ancient Humans
- March/April 2024
Prairie Beaver Research on the Rise; Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project Charting New Waters; New Webinars from National BWGs; Beavers and Drought Webinar; Navigating the Permitting and Regulatory Environment of Beaver-Related Projects (Panel Discussion); Montana BWG Spring Meeting; American Beaver and Freshwater Climate Resiliency in Washington State; Resilient Landscapes Resource List; Apex Predators and Food Webs in the Recovery of Beaver-Shaped Ecosystems; Short-Term Dynamics of Beaver Dam Flow States; Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project Fellows; Prairie Aquatic Ecology Technician; Grassland Microclimate and Biodiversity Technician; Christine Stevens Wildlife Award
- Jan/Feb 2024
What We Can Do to Help Our Traditional Foods; Montana Beaver Working Group: Spring Meeting; Utah State University Spring Semester Low-Tech Restoration Courses; 2024 LTPBR Workshop Series & LTPBR Trainings for Federal Agencies; Low Tech Solutions to Wetland Restoration; Montana Watershed Coordination Council: Annual Meeting; Winter Meeting Recording & 2023 Beaver Action Plan; Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes: Climate Change and Wetland Story Maps; How Beaver Dams and BDAs Affect Trout in Montana Headwaters Streams; The Solution to Water Woes Could Lie with Beavers; Beavers Have Engineered Ecosystems in the Tetons for Millennia; Spying on Beavers from Space Could Help Save California; Montana Drought Management Plan; Postdoctoral Fellowship in Landscape Ecology; Stream Restoration Project Manager and Stream Flow Project Manager
- Nov/Dec 2023
Where There's a Will There's a Way; How Beaver Dams and BDAs Affect Trout in Montana Headwaters Streams; Montana Beaver Working Group-Winter Meeting; 2024 LTPBR Workshop Series, Fluvial Geomorphology Course, and Ecohydraulics Course; Beavers and their Role in Riparian Restoration in Montana; Arnold Coulee Project; Why Grazing Bison Could Be Good For the Planet; Wolves Alter the Trajectory of Forests by Shaping the Central Place Foraging Behaviour of an Ecosystem Engineer; Midwest Beaver Summit Recordings; Postdoctoral Fellowship in Landscape Ecology; Riparian Restoration Program Manager; Custer-Gallatin Forest Project Manager; Stream Protection Program Manager
- Sept/Oct 2023
Changing the Climate: Sharing Conversations that Make Beavers Matter; Questions on Questions: UM Research Explores how BDAs Affect Carbon; Beavers on the Landscape Series; Beaver Walk and Talk; Beyond the Banks: Expanding Perspectives to Change our World; 2023 State of the Beaver Conference; A Tale of Tails: The Use of Eurasian Beaver Tails For Ageing and Individual Identification; The Beaver Way; A New Video Celebrates an Ambitious Restoration Project on the Wallowa River; Tribal Climate Resilience Annual Awards Program
- July/August 2023
Beavers Feature in Lolo National Forest Plan Revision; Working with Beavers Symposium; National Beaver Working Groups Open House; Beavers Uncovered Webinar Series: Beavers in the City; Beaver Blitz: Beaver Inventory Work Day; Beyond the Banks: Expanding Perspectives to Change our World; and Lower Blackfoot Ecosystem Analysis at the Watershed Scale
- May/June 2023
Changing Lives, Conserving Life: A Conversation with Nick Hagan; Beyond the Banks: Expanding Perspectives to Change our World; Working with Beavers Symposium Update; Bipartisan Infrastructure Law restores mesic habitat in Idaho; Rewilding with Beavers: Improving Hydrology, Biodiversity, and Climate Resiliency; Beavers & Cattle, a new film from the Ruby Valley Strategic Alliance
- March/April 2023
Expanding the Field: Beaver Habitat Monitoring on the Ground and in the Sky; relevant presentations at Crown Managers Partnership, Tracker Certification North America, and Working with Beavers conferences; new research on beavers benefitting terrestrial birds; new film from Intermountain West Joint Venture; new essay on beavers pointing a healing path forward
- January/February 2023
A Watershed Moment for Beaver Policy: The Developing Alternative Mitigation Systems (DAMS) for Beavers Act; Restoring Riverscapes Workshop; Region 3 Beaver Conflict Resolution Specialist job opening; Winnett ACES Collaborative LTPBR workshop summary; Best Management Practices for Pond Levelers and Culvert Protection Systems Guide; Beaverland review; Planning for Beavers Manual; new resources on nature-based solutions and research on beaver-induced flow attenuation
- October/November 2022
Inspired by Ksik Stakii and the Amskapi Piikani: 2022 Fall Watershed Tour; Spring 2023 Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration Courses; Putting Beavers to Work in Rocky Mountain National Park; Resources from Winnett ACES' Successful Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration Workshop; Beavers Are Finally Getting the Rebrand They Deserve; Teaching While Doing - Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes Workshop: Building Partnerships and Technical Capacity to Improve Riverscape Health
- August/September 2022
Restoring Emerald Islands: Collaborative Conservation at Work; 2022 Blackfeet Nation/MWCC Watershed Tour; LTPBR Workshop and Field Day in Winnett, MT; Life in the Land film series; nature-based solutions report; new research papers on rewilding and relocation with beavers; new books from fluvial geomorphologist Ellen Wohl; op-ed on beavers fighting climate change and drought; BeaverCon recordings
- June/July 2022
On Being a Beaver Leader: Honoring Sarah Bates; Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project 2021 Impact Report; Eurasian beavers' impact on the health of other wildlife; effectiveness of four different fencing techniques to prevent beavers from cutting trees; beavers and Oregon's high desert; deserving beavers; Beaver: The North American Freshwater Climate Action Plan; America the Beautiful Challenge Grant Program
- April/May 2022
Montana Beaver Working Group leadership transition note from Sarah Bates; Alberta virtual field tour on living with beavers; Colorado Department of Transportation report with recommendations on beaver management along roads and the right-of-way; short film on Bonneville cutthroat trout stocking in Utah beaver ponds; new research on the political ecology of beaver mimicry
- January/February 2022
The Montana Beaver Working Group’s Keystone Role; new long-term research on the ways beavers support ecosystem freshwater conservation and stability; new LTPBR film from The Nature Conservancy-Wyoming; recordings available for the Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project webinar and the Colorado Beaver Summit; reminder of ongoing LTPBR virtual training through Utah State University
- December 2021
Low-tech process-based restoration focuses on Montana’s prairies; Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project completes a successful third year; Blackfeet Ksik Stakii Project Watershed Stewardship Award presentation; new video on Dixie Creek (Nevada) recovery with beavers; low-tech process-based restoration virtual project tour in southwest Montana
- October 2021
Advocating for beaver restoration in national forest plans; new research on beaver relocation; beavers and the Colorado wildfires; perceptions of stream restoration; interactive beaver exhibit at High Desert Museum
- August/September 2021
Drought resilience through beaver mimicry with Blackfoot Challenge; University of Montana researchers exploring the impact of beaver mimicry on aquatic insects, carbon, and methane; new research on design criteria for process-based restoration; new research reevaluating lost river-wetland corridors; report on beaver ecosystem services
- May/June 2021
A conversation with Frances Backhouse about her children’s book Beavers: Radical Rodents and Ecosystem Engineers; beavers featured in Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ quarterly report; beaver habitat survey webinar recordings and tools from Montana Natural Heritage Program; new research on thermal characteristics associated with BDAs
- April 2021
Advancing the MT Beaver Action Plan; Montana Tech presentation on beaver and heavy metals; Association for State Wetland Managers and Bureau of Land Management 5-part webinar series; new webinar and report from the Miistakis Institute; new research deconstructing the process underlying beaver-related restoration; recordings from the California Beaver Summit; new article on beaver benefits during wildfire and drought
- February/March 2021
Exploring the role of reference conditions in beaver restoration; Trout Unlimited Upper Columbia Beaver-Powered Decision Support System tool
- January 2021
Preliminary results from BDA Feasibility Study on Lolo National Forest; new research to explore the effects of beaver mimicry on riparian food webs; article on beaver and wildfire; presentation Integrating Stream and Forest Restoration for Watershed Resilience presentation; Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission “living with beaver” video series
- November/December 2020
Low-tech process-based restoration workshop in Lewiston with the NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife partnership; Working with Beaver for Riparian Health: How University Research Supports Conservation and Management webinar; Beavers without Borders film
- October 2020
Big Hole Watershed Committee complements restoration with beaver conflict mitigation; Beaver Coalition seeks input to update Beaver Restoration Guidebook; Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution virtual field trip; Miistakis Institute’s factsheet with cost-benefit analysis of beaver coexistence tools
- September 2020
Beaver mimicry aims to restore habitat in north-central Montana; aspen workshop; webinar on siting and design for beaver restoration; new research on water storage, beavers & wildfire, and quantifying beaver impacts in watersheds/headwaters
- August 2020
Bureau of Land Management Low-Tech Process-Based Riverscape Restoration Strategy underway; Emily Fairfax talks beavers with National Wildlife Federation’s Artemis Program; low-tech wet meadow restoration resources; US Forest Service paper on ranchers, beavers, and stream restoration in western rangelands
- July 2020
Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project at Council Grove State Park (with video); presentation on beaver ecology
- May/June 2020
Montana Beaver Action Plan released; Helena-Lewis & Clark National Forest Plan calls out beaver for watershed health; Understanding Beavers as Natural Infrastructure Solution (Cows & Fish and the Miistakis Institute); beaver life history and ecology literature review; riparian and groundwater-dependent ecosystem assessment webinar
- April 2020
Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project launches second year; beaver restoration strategy meeting recap; Big Sky Watershed Corps project support; research connecting beaver disturbance to channel/floodplain evolution and riparian plant recruitment; US Forest Service on the “stream evolution triangle”; Ranger Rick beaver learning activities
- February 2020
Beaver presentations at University of Montana, Montana Tech, and more
- January 2020
Developments for a Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool model in Montana; Montana Water Summit conversation; The Nature Conservancy’s monitoring protocol; Heidi Perryman’s resources on living with urban beavers; Montana Beaver Conflict Resolution Project at BeaverCON
Please contact Shelby Weigand at WeigandS@nwf.org to receive the latest email news and updates.